Archive | October, 2010

New Discovery Toys products for fall-infants

12 Oct

Me and the kids have been enjoying the treasures in our new product kit, aka some of Discovery Toys newest additions.

Here’s what we’ve sampled so far, from the infant products:

Adam (5 months): Baby Moves Shaker Weights

The rattle design encourages baby to use both hands to build motor skills by grasping, lifting, pushing, pulling, rolling and shaking. Adam is just learning to reach out and grab objects and these colorful weights seem to draw his attention. He’s not doing curls with them yet, but he does pull them to him, one at a time, to give them a taste.  They’re machine-washable, too! He especially likes the crinkled fabric sound.

Cost: $18.50 

Baby Moves Lullaby Blankie

This soft blanket has a teether, satin corners, a applique moon and a crinkle sun. I attach it with the Boomerings to his car seat strap so he has a little softness to play with in the car and during a stroll. Also machine-washable, a very important quality for a baby toy!

Cost: $10

Baby Moves Wiggle, Jingle & Roll

Lots of fun in this piece.  I hang it from his activity center and he keeps busy playing with it. He’s just only started to explore this piece, pulling at the flaps. Not quite pulling the handle for the wiggle vibration yet but then again, he’s only 5 months and it’s really geared toward 6 months through toddler.

Cost: $20

The Baby Moves Complete Gift Set, which  includes these a Baby Moves Book Collection (“Touch & Tickle, “Calm & Soothe and “Wiggle & Move”) is $60. The Baby Moves Lullaby Set, which inlcudes the Lullaby Blankie and the Calm & Soothe book,  is $15.

Other new infant products, which we have not played with yet:

Rattle & Roll

Animal Lullabies Book & CD

gLove Story Puppet

To learn more about Discovery Toys products, or to order, visit my website: